International Operations Division provides a broad range of services for
companies interested in international expansion. We provide services appropriate
to companies considering their first international foray as well as those
experienced in international operation that are contemplating entering
a new region or country or are looking to expand their product line. Our
services range from research and strategic planning through to operational
planning and support.
The International Operations Division offers the following
Corporate Readiness Assessment (CRA)
The CRA is a high-level look at a company to assess its preparedness to
enter international markets. The CRA is typically built around a short
facilitated session with the corporate executive where a range of key
criteria and alternative scenarios are examined. The result is a report
containing an assessment and associated recommendations. The CRA is a
fast, inexpensive way to identify and mitigate some of the key risks involved
with international expansion.
Market Entry Analysis
The Market Entry Analysis is a comprehensive look at the all the factors
surrounding the launch of a product into a new market. The analysis is
highly tailored to the product and the market, and results in a detailed
plan of action that can also form the basis of the marketing and sales
Technology Assessment
We perform an in-depth assessment of a technology for companies looking
to establish partnerships or make an investment or acquisition where the
technology is a critical factor.
Study: Clevertronics
Introduction of finance
Corangamite maintains an extensive network of business and financial contacts.
In appropriate circumstances we can raise financing to support the international
expansion of a business or the establishment of a new venture.
Introduction of partners
Corangamite will perform the research and due diligence on potential venture
or trade partners in a new region or country. Depending on the clients
needs, we can structure this as a contract based on time and materials
or based on a success-fee.
Study: CT Motion
Operational planning and support
For companies committed to establishing a new office in a foreign country,
we can handle the operational planning aspects, including staffing, office
space, immigration and administration. Additionally, we can provide ongoing
operational management and support as required.
Sales planning and support
We can apply in-country sales professionals to assist clients in performing
sales planning in addition to providing ongoing sales support.
Independent operational assessment
For companies with an established foreign subsidiary or office, we offer
an Independent Operational Assessment (IOA). The IOA can be all encompassing,
including Marketing and Sales and addressing topics including cultural
fit and integration, or can be focused on specific operational aspects.
This assessment will provide the CEO with an unbiased benchmark of the
overseas operation, something that is critical but hard to achieve.